Envisioning a conscious economy that prioritises the vitality of humans and our solar system.
We’re a convener organisation growing a community to co-produce a vision for a conscious expansion to space. Learn more →

Envisioning a conscious economy that prioritises the vitality of humans and our solar system.
We’re a convener organisation growing a community to co-produce a vision for a conscious expansion to space.
Learn more →

We stand for building a conscious space economy because we know the world—and the solar system—can't afford the business of space to be "business as usual", and that expanding responsibly into space will require an expansion of consciousness.
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Sed pellentesque augue at tincidunt tempus. Vestibulum et vestibulum tellus. Nullam nec quam sem. Vestibulum dapibus nisi turpis, et iaculis est dapibus in. Suspendisse vel porta elit, ac tincidunt mauris. Vestibulum porttitor dolor id scelerisque condimentum. Nam sed orci sed nunc rutrum ornare. Duis sit amet sem varius, gravida leo id, mattis ipsum.

Here’s why you should join the movement, and what you can expect if you do. Learn more →
Explore our work
Our community curates and produces content that promotes a new way of thinking about humanity’s expansion into space.

Latest publications
Original, community-published content with a little bit more explanation and context up to about three lines at full-width. Maybe a call to action as well to

Latest Content
Resources curated by the community to educate fellow humans on the Conscious Space Economy.

Founding members
(“first people in the waka”)
Claudia Welss
Two line summary of the bio, with a link to jump to a longer bio page.
Jared Angaza
Two line summary of the bio, with a link to jump to a longer bio page.
Andy Ayrey
Two line summary of the bio, with a link to jump to a longer bio page.